Source code for openqemist.tests.quantum_solvers.microsoft_qsharp.test_microsoft_qsharp_parametric_solver

#   Copyright 2019 1QBit
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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import unittest
import numpy as np

from pyscf import gto, scf, mp

from openqemist.quantum_solvers import MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver

[docs]def get_file_path_stub(): """ Gets the path of the test files from anywhere in the test tree." The direcory structure should be $SOMETHING/QEMIST/qemist/tests/$SOMETHINGELSE so we trim after "tests", then add the path to the results files so we can run the tests from anywhere in the tree.""" import os cwd = os.getcwd() tests_root = cwd[0:cwd.find("tests") + 5] return tests_root + "/quantum_solvers/microsoft_qsharp/data/"
[docs]def matricize_2rdm(two_rdm, n_electrons, n_orbitals): """ Turns the two_rdm tensor into a matrix for test purposes """ l = 0 sq = n_orbitals*n_orbitals jpqrs = np.zeros((n_orbitals,n_orbitals), for i in range(n_orbitals): for j in range(n_orbitals): jpqrs[i,j] = l l += 1 rho = np.zeros((sq,sq)) for i in range(n_orbitals): for j in range(n_orbitals): ij = jpqrs[i,j] for k in range(n_orbitals): for l in range(n_orbitals): kl = jpqrs[k,l] rho[ij,kl] += two_rdm[i,k,j,l] return rho
H2 = """ H 0.00 0.00 0.0 H 0.00 0.00 0.74137727 """ H4 = """ H 0.7071067811865476 0.0 0.0 H 0.0 0.7071067811865476 0.0 H -1.0071067811865476 0.0 0.0 H 0.0 -1.0071067811865476 0.0 """ LiH = """ H 0.00 0.00 0.0 Li 0.00 0.00 1.0 """ # References for H2 amplitudes_H2 = [1.69971474e-05, 5.65855806e-02] # References for H4 amplitudes_H4 = [-3.00520142e-05, -3.41547577e-05, 7.61837556e-06 ,-2.24075399e-05, 1.12512690e-02, 3.42703399e-01, 3.44523818e-02, 1.46586868e-02, 7.69034155e-02, 7.99964875e-03, -1.81430817e-01, -1.06611015e-01, 1.12938142e-02, -3.75164050e-02] # References for LiH amplitudes_LiH = [-4.17776465e-04, -3.01636877e-02, 2.59247846e-06, -1.81380838e-06, 2.56473288e-06, -1.67351123e-06, 4.99995120e-04, 4.87411549e-04, 1.67454873e-03, 1.12528808e-02, 8.90183149e-04, 1.82504586e-02, 8.40833525e-04, 1.82672779e-02, 3.93722603e-04, 4.83775296e-02, 4.99457737e-04, -1.34326076e-18, -3.13927118e-08, -7.69532977e-09, -7.69532977e-09, 1.61799005e-03, -4.24862234e-03, -7.69532977e-09, -3.13927118e-08, -1.07614392e-07, -3.13927118e-08, -1.49223410e-03, -4.35798373e-02, 2.98149476e-03, -3.13927118e-08, -2.66454784e-08, -7.69532977e-09, -7.69532977e-09, -5.64104758e-08, -7.69532977e-09, -1.15815072e-08, -7.69532977e-09, 2.98287967e-03, -3.13927118e-08, -3.13927118e-08, -3.13927118e-08, -1.07614392e-07, 2.94725869e-03]
[docs]class MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolverTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_no_mf_H2(self): """ Tests number of amplitudes as well as simulate and get_RDM methods """ mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H2 mol.basis = "sto-3g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 ansatz = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver.Ansatze.UCCSD solver = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver(ansatz, mol) # Test that the number of variational parameters is as expected self.assertEqual(solver.amplitude_dimension, 2) # Test "simulate" energy = solver.simulate(amplitudes_H2) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -1.13727, delta=1e-5) # Compute RDM matrices one_rdm, two_rdm = solver.get_rdm() # Test traces of matrices n_elec, n_orb = mol.nelectron, mol.nao_nr() rho = matricize_2rdm(two_rdm, n_elec, n_orb) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.trace(one_rdm), n_elec, msg='Trace of one_rdm does not match number of electrons', delta=1e-6) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.trace(rho), n_elec*(n_elec-1), msg='Trace of two_rdm does not match n_elec * (n_elec-1)', delta=1e-6)
[docs] def test_no_mf_H4(self): """ Tests number of amplitudes as well as simulate and get_RDM methods """ mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H4 mol.basis = "sto-3g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 # Initialize mean field object with PySCF mf = scf.RHF(mol) mf.verbose = 0 mf.scf() twoint = mf._eri oneint = mf.get_hcore() fock = mf.get_fock() ansatz = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver.Ansatze.UCCSD solver = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver(ansatz, mol) # Test that the number of variational parameters is as expected self.assertEqual(solver.amplitude_dimension, 14) # Test "simulate" energy = solver.simulate(amplitudes_H4) # Compute RDM matrices one_rdm, two_rdm = solver.get_rdm() # Test traces of matrices n_elec, n_orb = mol.nelectron, mol.nao_nr() rho = matricize_2rdm(two_rdm, n_elec, n_orb) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.trace(one_rdm), n_elec, msg='Trace of one_rdm does not match number of electrons', delta=1e-6) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.trace(rho), n_elec*(n_elec-1), msg='Trace of two_rdm does not match n_elec * (n_elec-1)', delta=1e-6)
[docs] def test_no_mf_LiH(self): """ Tests get_RDM methods: assume energy is correct and reconstruct from RDM """ mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = LiH mol.basis = "sto-3g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 # Initialize mean field object with PySCF mf = scf.RHF(mol) mf.verbose = 0 mf.scf() twoint = mf._eri oneint = mf.get_hcore() fock = mf.get_fock() ansatz = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver.Ansatze.UCCSD solver = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver(ansatz, mol) # Test that the number of variational parameters is as expected self.assertEqual(solver.amplitude_dimension, 44) # Test "simulate" energy = solver.simulate(amplitudes_LiH) # Compute RDM matrices one_rdm, two_rdm = solver.get_rdm() # Test traces of matrices n_elec, n_orb = mol.nelectron, mol.nao_nr() rho = matricize_2rdm(two_rdm, n_elec, n_orb) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.trace(one_rdm), n_elec, msg='Trace of one_rdm does not match number of electrons', delta=1e-6) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.trace(rho), n_elec*(n_elec-1), msg='Trace of two_rdm does not match n_elec * (n_elec-1)', delta=1e-6)
[docs] def test_mf_H2(self): """Tests that all the values are set correctly in the constructor.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H2 mol.basis = "sto-3g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 mean_field = scf.RHF(mol) mean_field.verbose = 0 mean_field.scf() ansatz = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver.Ansatze.UCCSD solver = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver(ansatz, mol, mean_field) self.assertEqual(solver.amplitude_dimension, 2) energy = solver.simulate(amplitudes_H2) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -1.13727, delta=1e-5)
[docs] def test_simulate_dimension_throw(self): """Tests that all the values are set correctly in the constructor.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H2 mol.basis = "sto-3g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 mean_field = scf.RHF(mol) mean_field.verbose = 0 mean_field.scf() ansatz = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver.Ansatze.UCCSD solver = MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver(ansatz, mol, mean_field) # solver.amplitude_dimension = 2, this should throw. self.assertRaises(ValueError, solver.simulate, [0])
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()