Source code for openqemist.tests.problem_decomposition.dmet.test_dmet_problem_decomposition

#   Copyright 2019 1QBit
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import unittest

from pyscf import gto

from openqemist.electronic_structure_solvers import FCISolver, CCSDSolver
from openqemist.problem_decomposition import DMETProblemDecomposition
from openqemist.problem_decomposition.electron_localization import iao_localization, meta_lowdin_localization

H10_RING = """
        H      0.970820393250   0.000000000000   0.000000000000
        H      0.785410196625   0.570633909777   0.000000000000
        H      0.300000000000   0.923305061153   0.000000000000
        H     -0.300000000000   0.923305061153   0.000000000000
        H     -0.785410196625   0.570633909777   0.000000000000
        H     -0.970820393250   0.000000000000   0.000000000000
        H     -0.785410196625  -0.570633909777   0.000000000000
        H     -0.300000000000  -0.923305061153   0.000000000000
        H      0.300000000000  -0.923305061153   0.000000000000
        H      0.785410196625  -0.570633909777   0.000000000000

H4_RING = """
        H   0.7071067811865476   0.0                 0.0
        H   0.0                  0.7071067811865476  0.0
        H  -1.0071067811865476   0.0                 0.0
        H   0.0                 -1.0071067811865476  0.0

[docs]class DMETProblemDecompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_incorrect_number_atoms(self): """Tests if the program raises the error when the number of fragment sites is not equal to the number of atoms in the molecule.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H10_RING mol.basis = "3-21g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() solver.electron_localization_method = meta_lowdin_localization solver.electronic_structure_solver = FCISolver() # The molecule has more atoms than this. self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, solver.simulate, mol, [1,1,1,1])
[docs] def test_incorrect_number_solvers(self): """Tests if the program raises the error when the number of fragment sites is not equal to the number of solvers.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H10_RING mol.basis = "3-21g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, solver.simulate, mol, [2,3,2,3], fragment_solvers = [FCISolver()])
[docs] def test_h10ring_ml_fci_no_mf(self): """ Tests the result from DMET against a value from a reference implementation with meta-lowdin localization and FCI solution to fragments.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H10_RING mol.basis = "3-21g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() solver.electron_localization_method = meta_lowdin_localization solver.electronic_structure_solver = FCISolver() energy = solver.simulate(mol, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -4.498973024, places=4)
[docs] def test_h4ring_iao_ccsd_no_mf_321g(self): """ Tests the result from DMET against a value from a reference implementation with IAO localization, 3-21g basis, and CCSD solution to fragments.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H4_RING mol.basis = "3-21g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() solver.electron_localization_method = iao_localization solver.electronic_structure_solver = CCSDSolver() energy = solver.simulate(mol, [2,2]) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -2.0290205366, places=6)
[docs] def test_h4ring_ml_ccsd_no_mf_minao(self): """ Tests the result from DMET against a value from a reference implementation with meta-lowdin localization and CCSD solution to fragments.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H4_RING mol.basis = "minao" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() solver.electron_localization_method = meta_lowdin_localization solver.electronic_structure_solver = CCSDSolver() energy = solver.simulate(mol, [1,1,1,1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -1.9916120594, places=6)
[docs] def test_h4ring_ml_fci_no_mf_minao(self): """ Tests the result from DMET against a value from a reference implementation with meta-lowdin localization and FCI solution to fragments.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H4_RING mol.basis = "minao" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() solver.electron_localization_method = meta_lowdin_localization solver.electronic_structure_solver = FCISolver() energy = solver.simulate(mol, [1,1,1,1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -1.9916120594, places=4)
[docs] def test_solver_mix(self): """Tests that solving with multiple solvers works. With this simple system, we can assume that both CCSD and FCI can reach chemical accuracy.""" mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = H4_RING mol.basis = "3-21g" mol.charge = 0 mol.spin = 0 solver = DMETProblemDecomposition() solver.electron_localization_method = iao_localization fci = FCISolver() ccsd = CCSDSolver() energy = solver.simulate(mol, [1,1,1,1], fragment_solvers=[fci, fci, ccsd, ccsd]) self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, -2.0284, places=4)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()