Source code for openqemist.quantum_solvers.qiskit.qiskit_parametric_solver

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    Functions to compute the energy of a system with a parametric circuit
    and extract the RDM values
    with IBM Qiskit package

from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from pyscf import ao2mo, mp, scf, gto
from itertools import product

# Import qiskit simulator
from qiskit import Aer

# Lib from Qiskit Aqua and Chemistry
from qiskit.aqua import Operator, QuantumInstance
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import VQE
from qiskit.chemistry.qmolecule import QMolecule
from qiskit.chemistry import FermionicOperator
from qiskit.chemistry.aqua_extensions.components.variational_forms import UCCSD
from qiskit.chemistry.aqua_extensions.components.initial_states import HartreeFock

from ..parametric_quantum_solver import ParametricQuantumSolver

[docs]class QiskitParametricSolver(ParametricQuantumSolver): """ Performs an energy estimation for a molecule with a supprted parametric circuit. Can be initialized with PySCF objects (molecule and mean-field) """
[docs] class Ansatze(Enum): """ Enumeration of the ansatz circuits that are supported.""" UCCSD = 0
def __init__(self, ansatz, molecule, mean_field=None, backend_options=None): """Initialize the settings for simulation. If the mean field is not provided it is automatically calculated. Args: ansatz (QiskitParametricSolver.Ansatze): Ansatz for the quantum solver. molecule (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate. mean_field (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule. backend_options (dict): Extra parameters that control the behaviour of the solver. """ # Check the ansatz assert(isinstance(ansatz, QiskitParametricSolver.Ansatze)) self.ansatz = ansatz # Calculate the mean field if the user has not already done it. if not mean_field: mean_field = scf.RHF(molecule) mean_field.verbose = 0 mean_field.scf() if (mean_field.converged == False): orb_temp = mean_field.mo_coeff occ_temp = mean_field.mo_occ nr = scf.newton(mean_field) energy = nr.kernel(orb_temp, occ_temp) mean_field = nr # Check the convergence of the mean field if not mean_field.converged: warnings.warn("QiskitParametricSolver simulating with mean field not converged.", RuntimeWarning) # Initialize molecule quantities # ------------------------------ self.num_orbitals = mean_field.mo_coeff.shape[0] self.num_spin_orbitals = self.num_orbitals * 2 self.num_particles = molecule.nelec[0] + molecule.nelec[1] self.nuclear_repulsion_energy = gto.mole.energy_nuc(molecule) # Build one body integrals in Qiskit format one_body_integrals_pyscf = mean_field.mo_coeff.T @ mean_field.get_hcore() @ mean_field.mo_coeff self.one_body_integrals = QMolecule.onee_to_spin(one_body_integrals_pyscf) # Build two body integrals in Qiskit format eri = ao2mo.incore.full(mean_field._eri, mean_field.mo_coeff, compact=False) eri2 = eri.reshape(tuple([self.num_orbitals]*4)) self.two_body_integrals = QMolecule.twoe_to_spin(eri2) # Build Hamiltonians # ------------------ # Set the fermionic Hamiltonian self.f_hamiltonian = FermionicOperator(h1=self.one_body_integrals, h2=self.two_body_integrals) # Transform the fermionic Hamiltonian into qubit Hamiltonian self.map_type = 'jordan_wigner' self.qubit_hamiltonian = self.f_hamiltonian.mapping(map_type=self.map_type, threshold=1e-8) self.qubit_hamiltonian.chop(10 ** -10) self.n_qubits = self.qubit_hamiltonian.num_qubits # Qubits, mapping, backend backend_opt = ('statevector_simulator', 'matrix') # backend_opt = ('qasm_simulator', 'paulis') self.backend = Aer.get_backend(backend_opt[0]) self.backend_opt = backend_opt # Set ansatz and initial parameters # --------------------------------- # Define initial state self.init_state = HartreeFock(self.qubit_hamiltonian.num_qubits, self.num_spin_orbitals, self.num_particles, self.map_type, False) # No qubit reduction # Select ansatz, set the dimension of the amplitudes self.var_form = UCCSD(self.qubit_hamiltonian.num_qubits, depth=1, num_orbitals=self.num_spin_orbitals, num_particles=self.num_particles, initial_state=self.init_state, qubit_mapping=self.map_type, two_qubit_reduction=False, num_time_slices=1) self.amplitude_dimension = self.var_form._num_parameters self.optimized_amplitudes = []
[docs] def simulate(self, var_params): """ Evaluate the parameterized circuit for the input amplitudes. Args: var_params (list): The initial amplitudes (float64). Returns: float64: The total energy (energy). Raise: ValueError: If the dimension of the amplitude list is incorrect. """ if len(var_params) != self.amplitude_dimension: raise ValueError("Incorrect dimension for amplitude list.") # Use the Qiskit VQE class to perform a single energy evaluation from qiskit.aqua.components.optimizers import COBYLA cobyla = COBYLA(maxiter=0) vqe = VQE(self.qubit_hamiltonian, self.var_form, cobyla, initial_point=var_params) quantum_instance = QuantumInstance(backend=self.backend, shots=1000000) results = energy = results['eigvals'][0] + self.nuclear_repulsion_energy # Save the amplitudes so we have the optimal ones for RDM calculation self.optimized_amplitudes = var_params return energy
[docs] def get_rdm(self): """ Obtain the 1- and 2-RDM matrices for given variational parameters. This makes sense for problem decomposition methods if these amplitudes are the ones that minimizes energy. Returns: (numpy.array, numpy.array): One & two-particle RDMs (rdm1_np & rdm2_np, float64). Raises: RuntimeError: If no simulation has been run before calling this method. """ if len(self.optimized_amplitudes) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Cannot retrieve RDM because method "Simulate" needs to run first.') # Initialize RDM matrices and other work arrays n_orbital = self.num_orbitals one_rdm = np.zeros(tuple([n_orbital]*2)) two_rdm = np.zeros(tuple([n_orbital]*4)) tmp_h1 = np.zeros(self.one_body_integrals.shape) tmp_h2 = np.zeros(self.two_body_integrals.shape) # h1 and h2 are the one- and two-body integrals for the whole system # They are in spin-orbital basis, seemingly with all alpha orbitals first and then all beta second # eg lines and columns refer to 1a, 2a, 3a ... , then 1b, 2b, 3b .... # Compute values for 1-RDM matrix # ------------------------------- for mol_coords, _ in np.ndenumerate(one_rdm): rdm_contribution = 0. one_rdm[mol_coords] = 0.0 # Find all entries of one-RDM that contributes to the computation of that entry of one-rdm for spin_coords in product([mol_coords[0], mol_coords[0] + self.num_spin_orbitals // 2], [mol_coords[1], mol_coords[1] + self.num_spin_orbitals // 2]): # Skip values too close to zero if abs(self.one_body_integrals[spin_coords]) < 1e-10: continue # Ignore all Fermionic Hamiltonian term except one tmp_h1[spin_coords] = 1. coeff = -1. if (spin_coords[0] // n_orbital != spin_coords[1] // n_orbital) else 1. # Accumulate contribution of the term to RDM value tmp_ferOp = FermionicOperator(h1=tmp_h1, h2=tmp_h2) tmp_qubitOp = tmp_ferOp.mapping(map_type=self.map_type, threshold=1e-8) tmp_qubitOp.chop(10 ** -10) if tmp_qubitOp.num_qubits == 0: continue self.qubit_hamiltonian = tmp_qubitOp ene_temp = self.simulate(self.optimized_amplitudes) - self.nuclear_repulsion_energy rdm_contribution += coeff * ene_temp # Reset entries of tmp_h1 tmp_h1[spin_coords] = 0. # Write the value to the 1-RDM matrix one_rdm[mol_coords] = rdm_contribution # Compute values for 2-RDM matrix # ------------------------------- for mol_coords, _ in np.ndenumerate(two_rdm): rdm_contribution = 0. two_rdm[mol_coords] = 0.0 # Find all entries of h1 that contributes to the computation of that entry of one-rdm for spin_coords in product([mol_coords[0], mol_coords[0] + self.num_spin_orbitals // 2], [mol_coords[1], mol_coords[1] + self.num_spin_orbitals // 2], [mol_coords[2], mol_coords[2] + self.num_spin_orbitals // 2], [mol_coords[3], mol_coords[3] + self.num_spin_orbitals // 2]): # Skip values too close to zero if abs(self.two_body_integrals[spin_coords]) < 1e-10: continue # Set entries to the right coefficient for tmp_h1 tmp_h2[spin_coords] = 1. # Count alphas and betas. If odd, coefficient is -1, else its 1. # Or maybe its a quadrant thin? Check with Yukio ? n_betas_total = sum([spin_orb // n_orbital for spin_orb in spin_coords]) if (n_betas_total == 0) or (n_betas_total == 4): coeff = 2.0 elif n_betas_total == 2: coeff = -1.0 if (spin_coords[0] // n_orbital != spin_coords[1] // n_orbital) else 1.0 # Accumulate contribution of the term to RDM value tmp_ferOp = FermionicOperator(h1=tmp_h1, h2=tmp_h2) tmp_qubitOp = tmp_ferOp.mapping(map_type=self.map_type, threshold=1e-8) tmp_qubitOp.chop(10 ** -10) if tmp_qubitOp.num_qubits == 0: continue self.qubit_hamiltonian = tmp_qubitOp ene_temp = self.simulate(self.optimized_amplitudes) - self.nuclear_repulsion_energy rdm_contribution += coeff * ene_temp # Reset entries of tmp_h2 tmp_h2[spin_coords] = 0. # Write the value to the 1-RDM matrix two_rdm[mol_coords] = rdm_contribution return one_rdm, two_rdm
[docs] def default_initial_var_parameters(self): """ Returns initial variational parameters for a VQE simulation. Returns initial variational parameters for the circuit that is generated for a given ansatz. Returns: list: Initial parameters. """ if self.ansatz == self.__class__.Ansatze.UCCSD: return self.var_form.preferred_init_points else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported ansatz for automatic parameter generation")