Source code for openqemist.quantum_solvers.microsoft_qsharp.microsoft_qsharp_parametric_solver

#   Copyright 2019 1QBit
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from enum import Enum

from ..parametric_quantum_solver import ParametricQuantumSolver

import os
import tempfile
import warnings

import numpy as np

# Import pyscf and functions making use of it
from pyscf import gto, scf
from .integrals_pyscf import compute_integrals_fragment
from .generate_uccsd_operators import count_amplitudes, compute_cluster_operator
from .broombridge_dummy import _dummy_0_2_yaml

[docs]class MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver(ParametricQuantumSolver): """Performs an energy estimation for a molecule with a parametric circuit. Performs energy estimations for a given molecule and a choice of ansatz circuit that is supported. Attributes: n_samples (int): The number of samples to take from the hardware emulator. optimized_amplitudes (list): The optimized amplitudes. verbose(bool): Toggles the printing of debug statements. """
[docs] class Ansatze(Enum): """ Enumeration of the ansatz circuits that are supported.""" UCCSD = 0
def __init__(self, ansatz, molecule, mean_field=None, backend_options=None): """Initialize the settings for simulation. If the mean field is not provided it is automatically calculated. Args: ansatz (OpenFermionParametricSolver.Ansatze): Ansatz for the quantum solver. molecule (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate. mean_field (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule. backend_options (dict): Extra parameters that control the behaviour of the solver. """ # Import python packages for Microsoft Python interops import qsharp import qsharp.chemistry as qsharpchem assert(isinstance(ansatz, MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver.Ansatze)) self.ansatz = ansatz self.verbose = False # Initialize the number of samples to be used by the MicrosoftQSharp backend self.n_samples = 1e18 # Initialize the amplitudes (parameters to be optimized) self.optimized_amplitudes = [] # Obtain fragment info with PySCF # ----------------------------------------- # Compute mean-field if not provided. Check that it has converged if not mean_field: mean_field = scf.RHF(molecule) mean_field.verbose = 0 mean_field.scf() if (mean_field.converged == False): orb_temp = mean_field.mo_coeff occ_temp = mean_field.mo_occ nr = scf.newton(mean_field) energy = nr.kernel(orb_temp, occ_temp) mean_field = nr if not mean_field.converged: warnings.warn("MicrosoftQSharpParametricSolver simulating with mean field not converged.", RuntimeWarning) self.molecule = molecule self.mean_field = mean_field self.n_orbitals = len(mean_field.mo_energy) self.n_spin_orbitals = 2 * self.n_orbitals self.n_electrons = molecule.nelectron nuclear_repulsion = mean_field.energy_nuc() # Compute and set values of electronic integrals # ---------------------------------------------- # Get data-structure to store problem description fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.yaml') try: # Write the dummp_0.2.yaml file to a temporary file with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as tmp: tmp.write(_dummy_0_2_yaml) molecular_data = qsharpchem.load_broombridge(path) # Compute one and two-electron integrals, store them in the Microsoft data-structure integrals_one, integrals_two = compute_integrals_fragment(molecule, mean_field) molecular_data.problem_description[0].hamiltonian['OneElectronIntegrals']['Values'] = integrals_one molecular_data.problem_description[0].hamiltonian['TwoElectronIntegrals']['Values'] = integrals_two molecular_data.problem_description[0].coulomb_repulsion['Value'] = nuclear_repulsion # Compute and set values of UCCSD operators # ----------------------------------------- # Generate UCCSD one- and two-body operators n_amplitudes = count_amplitudes(self.n_spin_orbitals, self.n_electrons) self.amplitude_dimension = n_amplitudes amplitudes = 0.01 * np.ones((n_amplitudes), dtype=np.float64) self.preferred_var_params = amplitudes ref,t = compute_cluster_operator(self.n_spin_orbitals, self.n_electrons, amplitudes) # Load a dummy inputstate object from the dummy Broombridge file, and set its values self.inputstate = qsharpchem.load_input_state(path, "UCCSD |G>") if self.verbose: print("inputstate energy :\n", self.inputstate.Energy) print("inputstate mcfdata :\n", self.inputstate.MCFData) print("inputstate method :\n", self.inputstate.Method) print("inputstate scfdata :\n", self.inputstate.SCFData) print("inputstate uccdata :\n", self.inputstate.UCCData, "\n\n\n") self.inputstate.UCCData['Reference'] = ref self.inputstate.UCCData['Excitations'] = t if self.verbose: print("inputstate :\n", self.inputstate.UCCData) print("------------\n") # Generate Fermionic and then qubit Hamiltonians # ---------------------------------------------- # C# Chemistry library : Compute fermionic Hamiltonian self.ferm_hamiltonian = molecular_data.problem_description[0].load_fermion_hamiltonian() if self.verbose: print("ferm_hamiltonian:\n", self.ferm_hamiltonian.terms) print("------------\n") # C# Chemistry library : Compute the Pauli Hamiltonian using the Jordan-Wigner transform self.jw_hamiltonian = qsharpchem.encode(self.ferm_hamiltonian, self.inputstate) if self.verbose: print("jw_hamiltonian ::", self.jw_hamiltonian) print("------------\n") # Retrieve energy offset and number of qubits self.n_qubits = self.jw_hamiltonian[0] self.energy_offset = self.jw_hamiltonian[3] finally: # Cleanup the temp file os.remove(path)
[docs] def simulate(self, amplitudes): """Perform the simulation for the molecule. If the mean field is not provided it is automatically calculated. Args: amplitudes (list): The initial amplitudes (float64). Returns: float64: The total energy (energy). """ import qsharp import qsharp.chemistry as qsharpchem # Import the "EstimateEnergy" Q# operation from the QDK Chemistry library estimate_energy = qsharp.QSharpCallable("Microsoft.Quantum.Chemistry.JordanWigner.VQE.EstimateEnergy", "") # Test if right number of amplitudes have been passed if len(amplitudes) != self.amplitude_dimension: raise ValueError("Incorrect dimension for amplitude list.") amplitudes = list(amplitudes) self.jw_hamiltonian = self._set_amplitudes(amplitudes, self.jw_hamiltonian) # Compute energy energy = estimate_energy.simulate(jwHamiltonian=self.jw_hamiltonian, nSamples=self.n_samples) # Update optimal amplitudes self.optimized_amplitudes = amplitudes return energy
[docs] def get_rdm(self): """Obtain the RDMs from the optimized amplitudes. Obtain the RDMs from the optimized amplitudes by using the same function for energy evaluation. The RDMs are computed by using each fermionic Hamiltonian term, transforming them and computing the elements one-by-one. Note that the Hamiltonian coefficients will not be multiplied as in the energy evaluation. The first element of the Hamiltonian is the nuclear repulsion energy term, not the Hamiltonian term. Returns: (numpy.array, numpy.array): One & two-particle RDMs (rdm1_np & rdm2_np, float64). """ import qsharp import qsharp.chemistry as qsharpchem amplitudes = self.optimized_amplitudes one_rdm = np.zeros((self.n_orbitals, self.n_orbitals)) two_rdm = np.zeros((self.n_orbitals, self.n_orbitals, self.n_orbitals, self.n_orbitals)) # Loop over all single fermionic hamiltonian term to get RDM values all_terms = self.ferm_hamiltonian.terms import copy fh_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.ferm_hamiltonian) for ii in all_terms: for jj in ii[1]: # Only use a single fermionic term, set its coefficient to 1. term_type = ii[0] jj = (jj[0], 1.0) single_fh = (term_type, [jj]) fh_copy.terms = [single_fh] # Compute qubit Hamiltonian (C# Chemistry library) self.jw_hamiltonian = qsharpchem.encode(fh_copy, self.inputstate) # Compute RDM value RDM_value = self.simulate(amplitudes) # Update RDM matrices ferm_ops = single_fh[1][0][0][0] indices = [ferm_op[1] for ferm_op in ferm_ops] # 1-RDM matrix if (len(term_type) == 2): i, j = indices[0]//2, indices[1]//2 if (i == j): one_rdm[i, j] += RDM_value else: one_rdm[i, j] += RDM_value one_rdm[j, i] += RDM_value # 2-RDM matrix (works with Microsoft Chemistry library sign convention) elif (len(term_type) == 4): i, j, k, l = indices[0]//2, indices[1]//2, indices[2]//2, indices[3]//2 if((indices[0]==indices[3]) and (indices[1]==indices[2])): if((indices[0]%2 == indices[2]%2) and (indices[1]%2 == indices[3]%2)): two_rdm[i,l,j,k] += RDM_value two_rdm[j,k,i,l] += RDM_value two_rdm[i,k,j,l] -= RDM_value two_rdm[j,l,i,k] -= RDM_value else: two_rdm[i,l,j,k] += RDM_value two_rdm[j,k,i,l] += RDM_value else: if((indices[0]%2 == indices[3]%2) and (indices[1]%2 == indices[2]%2)): two_rdm[i,l,j,k] += RDM_value two_rdm[j,k,i,l] += RDM_value two_rdm[l,i,k,j] += RDM_value two_rdm[k,j,l,i] += RDM_value if((indices[0]%2 == indices[2]%2) and (indices[1]%2 == indices[3]%2)): two_rdm[i,k,j,l] -= RDM_value two_rdm[j,l,i,k] -= RDM_value two_rdm[k,i,l,j] -= RDM_value two_rdm[l,j,k,i] -= RDM_value else: two_rdm[i,k,j,l] -= RDM_value two_rdm[j,l,i,k] -= RDM_value two_rdm[k,i,l,j] -= RDM_value two_rdm[l,j,k,i] -= RDM_value return (one_rdm, two_rdm)
[docs] def default_initial_var_parameters(self): """ Returns initial variational parameters for a VQE simulation. Returns initial variational parameters for the circuit that is generated for a given ansatz. Returns: list: Initial parameters. """ if self.ansatz == self.__class__.Ansatze.UCCSD: from .._variational_parameters import mp2_variational_parameters return mp2_variational_parameters(self.molecule, self.mean_field) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported ansatz for automatic parameter generation")
def _set_amplitudes(self, amplitudes, jw_hamiltonian): """ Update variational parameters stored in the Q# JW data-structure """ # Unpack data-structure a1, a2, input_state, a3 = jw_hamiltonian b1, operator = input_state # Update the cluster operator with the new variational parameters ref, new_operator = compute_cluster_operator(self.n_qubits, self.n_electrons, amplitudes, True, operator) # Re-pack the data-structure input_state = (b1, new_operator) jw_hamiltonian = (a1, a2, input_state, a3) return jw_hamiltonian