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"""Perform IAO localization.
The orbital localization of the canonical orbitals
using Intrinsic Atomic Orbitals (IAO) localization is done here.
`pyscf.lo` is used.
Note that minimal basis cannot be used for IAO because
the idea of IAO is to map on minao minimal basis set.
For details, refer to:
G. Knizia, JCTC 9, 4834-4843 (2013).
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.lo import iao
from functools import reduce
from pyscf.lo import orth
import numpy as np
import scipy
[docs]def iao_localization(mol, mf):
"""Localize the orbitals using IAO localization.
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
mf (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule.
numpy.array: The localized orbitals (float64).
if mol.basis == "minao":
raise RuntimeError("Using IAO localization with minao basis is not supported.")
# Construct IAO from occupied orbitals
iao1 = _iao_occupied_orbitals(mol, mf)
# Construct IAO from complementary space
iao2 = _iao_complementary_orbitals(mol, iao1)
# Gather two and assign the IAOs to atoms, rearrange them
iao_lo = _iao_atoms(mol, iao1, iao2)
return iao_lo
def _iao_occupied_orbitals(mol, mf):
"""Get the IAOs for occupied space.
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
mf (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule.
iao_active (numpy.array): The localized orbitals for the occupied space (float64).
# Get MO coefficient of occupied MOs
occupied_orbitals = mf.mo_coeff[:, mf.mo_occ > 0.5]
# Get mol data in minao basis
min_mol = iao.reference_mol(mol)
# Calculate the overlaps for total basis
s1 = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
# ... for minao basis
s2 = min_mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
# ... between the two basis (and transpose)
s12 = gto.mole.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp', mol, min_mol)
s21 = s12.T
# Calculate P_12 = S_1^-1 * S_12 using Cholesky decomposition
s1_sqrt = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(s1)
s2_sqrt = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(s2)
p12 = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(s1_sqrt, s12)
# C~ = second_half ( S_1^-1 * S_12 * first_half ( S_2^-1 * S_21 * C ) )
c_tilde = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(s2_sqrt, np.dot(s21, occupied_orbitals))
c_tilde = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(s1_sqrt, np.dot(s12, c_tilde))
c_tilde = np.dot(c_tilde, orth.lowdin(reduce(np.dot, (c_tilde.T, s1, c_tilde))))
# Obtain C * C^T * S1 and C~ * C~^T * S1
ccs1 = reduce(np.dot, (occupied_orbitals, occupied_orbitals.conj().T, s1))
ctcts1 = reduce(np.dot, (c_tilde, c_tilde.conj().T, s1))
# Calculate A = ccs1 * ctcts1 * p12 + ( 1 - ccs1 ) * ( 1 - ctcts1 ) * p12
iao_active = (p12 + reduce(np.dot, (ccs1, ctcts1, p12)) * 2 - np.dot(ccs1, p12) - np.dot(ctcts1, p12))
# Orthogonalize A
iao_active = np.dot(iao_active, orth.lowdin(reduce(np.dot, (iao_active.T, s1, iao_active))))
return iao_active
def _iao_complementary_orbitals(mol, iao_ref):
"""Get the IAOs for complementary space (virtual orbitals).
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
iao_ref (numpy.array): IAO in occupied space (float64).
iao_comp (numpy.array): IAO in complementary space (float64).
# Get the total number of AOs
norbital_total = mol.nao_nr()
# Calculate the Overlaps for total basis
s1 = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
# Construct the complementary space AO
number_iaos = iao_ref.shape[1]
number_inactive = norbital_total - number_iaos
iao_com_ref = _iao_complementary_space(iao_ref, s1, number_inactive)
# Get a list of active orbitals
min_mol = iao.reference_mol(mol)
norbital_active, active_list = _iao_count_active(mol, min_mol)
# Obtain the Overlap-like matrices
s21 = s1[active_list, : ]
s2 = s21[ : , active_list]
s12 = s21.T
# Calculate P_12 = S_1^-1 * S_12 using Cholesky decomposition
s1_sqrt = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(s1)
s2_sqrt = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(s2)
p12 = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(s1_sqrt, s12)
# C~ = orth ( second_half ( S_1^-1 * S_12 * first_half ( S_2^-1 * S_21 * C ) ) )
c_tilde = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(s2_sqrt, np.dot(s21, iao_com_ref))
c_tilde = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(s1_sqrt, np.dot(s12, c_tilde))
c_tilde = np.dot(c_tilde, orth.lowdin(reduce(np.dot, (c_tilde.T, s1, c_tilde))))
# Obtain C * C^T * S1 and C~ * C~^T * S1
ccs1 = reduce(np.dot, (iao_com_ref, iao_com_ref.conj().T, s1))
ctcts1 = reduce(np.dot, (c_tilde, c_tilde.conj().T, s1))
# Calculate A = ccs1 * ctcts1 * p12 + ( 1 - ccs1 ) * ( 1 - ctcts1 ) * p12
iao_comp = (p12 + reduce(np.dot, (ccs1, ctcts1, p12)) * 2 - np.dot(ccs1, p12) - np.dot(ctcts1, p12))
iao_comp = np.dot(iao_comp, orth.lowdin(reduce(np.dot, (iao_comp.T, s1, iao_comp))))
return iao_comp
def _iao_count_active(mol, min_mol):
"""Figure out the basis functions matching with MINAO.
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
min_mol (numpy.array): The molecule to simulate in minao basis.
number_active (int): Number of active orbitals.
active_number_list (list): List of active orbitals (int).
# Initialize the list
active_number_list = []
# Loop over all basis and see if there are labels matching with the MINAO ones
for idx, total_basis in enumerate(mol.spheric_labels()):
if all([min_basis != total_basis for min_basis in min_mol.spheric_labels()]):
# Make the list a numpy array
number_active = len(active_number_list)
active_number_list = np.array(active_number_list)
return number_active, active_number_list
def _iao_complementary_space(iao_ref, s, number_inactive):
"""Determine the complementary space orbitals.
iao_ref (numpy.array): IAO in occupied space.
s (numpy.array): The overlap matrix.
number_inactive (int): The number of inactive orbitals.
eigen_vectors (numpy.array): The inactive part in IAO (float64).
# Construct the "density matrix" for active space
density_active = np.dot(iao_ref, iao_ref.T)
# Get the MO Coefficient from the IAO density matrix
a_mat = reduce(np.dot, (s, density_active, s))
eigval, eigvec = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=a_mat, b=s)
# Extract inactive part of "MO Coefficient" and return it
eigen_vectors = eigvec[:, : number_inactive]
return eigen_vectors
def _iao_atoms(mol, iao1, iao2):
"""Assign IAO to atom centers and rearrange the IAOs.
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
mf (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule.
iao1 (numpy.array): IAO for occupied space (float64).
iao2 (numpy.array): IAO for complementary space (float64).
iao_combined (numpy.array): The rearranged IAO (float64).
# Calclate the integrals for assignment
number_orbitals = mol.nao_nr()
r_int1e = mol.intor('cint1e_r_sph', 3)
iao_combine = np.hstack((iao1, iao2))
# Calculate atom center for each orbital
x = np.diag(reduce(np.dot,(iao_combine.T, r_int1e[0], iao_combine)))
y = np.diag(reduce(np.dot,(iao_combine.T, r_int1e[1], iao_combine)))
z = np.diag(reduce(np.dot,(iao_combine.T, r_int1e[2], iao_combine)))
# Align the coordinates
orbitals_temp = np.vstack((x, y, z))
orbitals = orbitals_temp.T
# Assign each orbital to atom center
atom_list = _dmet_atom_list(mol, orbitals)
# Prepare the orbital labels
orb_list = _dmet_orb_list(mol, atom_list)
# Rearrange the orbitals
iao_combine = iao_combine[ : , orb_list]
# Orthogonalize the orbitals
s1 = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
iao_combine = np.dot(iao_combine, orth.lowdin(reduce(np.dot, (iao_combine.T, s1, iao_combine))))
return iao_combine
def _dmet_atom_list(mol, orbitals):
"""Assign IAO to atom centers and rearrange the IAOs.
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
orbitals (numpy.array): Coordinates for the orbital centers (float64).
newlist (list): The list for atom assignment for IAO (int).
# Initialize the list
number_orbitals = mol.nao_nr()
newlist = []
# Calculate the distance from atom centers and determine the nearest
for i in range(number_orbitals):
i_temp = 0
distance_temp = scipy.linalg.norm(orbitals[i, :] - mol.atom_coord(0))
for j in range(1, mol.natm):
distance = scipy.linalg.norm(orbitals[i, :] - mol.atom_coord(j))
if (distance < distance_temp):
distance_temp = distance
i_temp = j
return newlist
def _dmet_orb_list(mol, atom_list):
"""Rearrange the orbital label
mol (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
atom_list (list): Atom list for IAO assignment (int).
newlist (list): The orbital list in new order (int).
newlist = []
for i in range(mol.natm):
for j in range(mol.nao_nr()):
if (atom_list[j] == i):
return newlist