Source code for openqemist.electronic_structure_solvers.vqe_solver.vqe_solver

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"""Perform quantum simulation based on VQE algorithm.

The electronic structure calculation employing the
quantum/classical hybrid variational quantum eigensolver
(VQE) algorithm is done here.
The quantum eigensolver runs inside the classical optimizer.

There are options for which hardware backend can be used.


import warnings
import itertools

import numpy as np
from pyscf import scf

from ..electronic_structure_solver import ElectronicStructureSolver

[docs]class VQESolver(ElectronicStructureSolver): """Estimates energy wih a variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. Uses the VQE algorithm to solve the electronic structure problem. By default an optimizer from scipy is used, but users can set any function whose first argument is the `simulate` function of the hardware backend and the second is the amplitudes to optimize over and returns a energy. See the implementation of `_default_optimizer` for a concrete example. Users should provide a hardware backend type that conforms to the interface of `openqemist.quantum_solver.ParametricQuantumSolver` that the `VQESolver` will construct and use. Users should also provide an ansatze type that is supported by the backend. Users can also provide a function that takes a `pyscf.gto.Mole` as its first argument and `pyscf.scf.RHF` as is second and returns the inital amplitudes for the variational optimization. The user is responsible for ensuring that the dimension of the amplitudes vector is correct for the given molecule and andsatz choice. Attributes: hardware_backend_type (subclass of ParametricQuantumSolver): A type for the backend instance that is automatically constructed. ansatz_type (subclass of Enum): Type of ansatz that is supported by the backend. optimizer (function): Function that is called to optimize. initial_var_params (list): Initial values of the variational parameters used in the classical optimization process verbose (boolean): Controls the verbosity of the default optimizer. backend_parameters (dict): Extra parameters that can be forwarded to the parametric quantum solver. Note: Initial variational parameters can be specified through the `initial_var_params` argument. If this is not specified, then the `default_initial_var_parameters` function provided by the hardware backend is used. """ def __init__(self): self.verbose = True self.hardware_backend_type = None self.hardware_backend = None self.ansatz_type = None self.optimizer = None self.initial_var_params = None self.backend_parameters = {}
[docs] def simulate(self, molecule, mean_field=None): """Perform the simulation for the molecule. If the mean field is not provided it is automatically calculated. Args: molecule (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate. mean_field (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule. """ # Calculate the mean field if the user has not already done it. if not mean_field: mean_field = scf.RHF(molecule) mean_field.verbose = 0 mean_field.scf() if (mean_field.converged == False): orb_temp = mean_field.mo_coeff occ_temp = mean_field.mo_occ nr = scf.newton(mean_field) energy = nr.kernel(orb_temp, occ_temp) mean_field = nr # Check the convergence of the mean field if not mean_field.converged: warnings.warn("VQESolver simulating with mean field not converged.", RuntimeWarning) # Instantiate the quantum solver backend # It knows what ansatz has been picked and computed preferred values for its parameters self.hardware_backend = self.hardware_backend_type(self.ansatz_type, molecule, mean_field, self.backend_parameters) # The user can provide their own initial variational parameters, otherwise the preferred ones # computed by the underlying quantum solver will be used as initial values # An incorrect number of variational parameters passed by the user will result # in a runtime error in hardware_backend.simulate var_params = self.initial_var_params if self.initial_var_params \ else self.hardware_backend.default_initial_var_parameters() if self.verbose: print("VQE : initial variational parameters: \n", var_params, "\n") # If the user didn't provide an optimizer, then we give them a default one from scipy if not self.optimizer: self.optimizer = self._default_optimizer # Run VQE algorithm # TODO: should return the optimal parameters as well energy = self.optimizer(self.hardware_backend.simulate, var_params) return energy
[docs] def get_rdm(self): """Returns the RDM from the hardware backend. Returns the reduced density matrices from the hardware backend. Does not catch and exceptions that the hardware backend raises if it is not in a state to return the RDM. Returns: (numpy.array,numpy.array): One & two-particle RDMs (float64). Raises: RuntimeError: If no simulation has been run. """ if not self.hardware_backend: raise RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve RDM because no simulation has been run.") return self.hardware_backend.get_rdm()
def _default_optimizer(self, backend, amplitudes): """Function that can be set as a default optimizer. Funciton that is used by the class as a default optimizer when user does not provide one. Args: backend (ParametricSolver): The quantum solver. amplitudes (list): The variational parameters (float64). Returns: list: The new variational parameters (, float64). """ from scipy.optimize import minimize result = minimize(backend, amplitudes, method='SLSQP', options={'disp':True, 'maxiter':2000, 'eps':1e-5, 'ftol':1e-5}) if self.verbose: print("\n\t\tOptimal UCCSD Singlet Energy: {}".format( print("\t\tOptimal UCCSD Singlet Amplitudes: {}".format(result.x)) print("\t\tNumber of Function Evaluations : ", result.nfev) return