Source code for openqemist.electronic_structure_solvers.fci_solver.fci_solver

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"""Perform Full CI calculation.

The electronic structure calculation employing the 
full configuration interaction (CI) method 
is done here.


from pyscf import ao2mo, fci, scf
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np

from ..electronic_structure_solver import ElectronicStructureSolver

[docs]class FCISolver(ElectronicStructureSolver): """Perform Full CI calculation. Uses the Full CI method to solve the electronic structure problem. PySCF program will be utilized. Users can also provide a function that takes a `pyscf.gto.Mole` as its first argument and `pyscf.scf.RHF` as its second. Attributes: cisolver (pyscf.fci.direct_spin0.FCI): The Full CI object. ci (numpy.array): The CI wavefunction (float64). norb (int): The number of molecular orbitals. nelec (int): The number of electrons. """ def __init__(self): = None self.norb = None self.nelec = None self.cisolver = None
[docs] def simulate(self, molecule, mean_field=None): """Perform the simulation (energy calculation) for the molecule. If the mean field is not provided it is automatically calculated. `pyscf.ao2mo` is used to transform the AO integrals into MO integrals. Args: molecule (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate. mean_field (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule. Returns: float64: The Full CI energy (energy). """ # Calculate the mean field if the user has not already done it. if not mean_field: mean_field = scf.RHF(molecule) mean_field.verbose = 0 mean_field.scf() # Check the convergence of the mean field if not mean_field.converged: warnings.warn("FCISolver simulating with mean field not converged.", RuntimeWarning) h1 = reduce(, (mean_field.mo_coeff.T, mean_field.get_hcore(), mean_field.mo_coeff)) twoint = mean_field._eri self.norb = len(mean_field.mo_energy) eri = ao2mo.restore(8, twoint, self.norb) eri = ao2mo.incore.full(eri, mean_field.mo_coeff) eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, self.norb) self.cisolver = fci.direct_spin0.FCI(molecule) self.cisolver.verbose = 0 self.nelec = molecule.nelectron energy, = self.cisolver.kernel(h1, eri, h1.shape[1], self.nelec, ecore=molecule.energy_nuc()) return energy
[docs] def get_rdm(self): """Calculate the 1- and 2-particle RDMs. Calculate the Full CI reduced density matrices. Returns: (numpy.array, numpy.array): One & two-particle RDMs (fci_onerdm & fci_twordm, float64). Raises: RuntimeError: If no simulation has been run. """ # Check if Full CI is performed if not self.norb or not self.nelec: raise RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve RDM because no simulation has been run.") fci_onerdm = self.cisolver.make_rdm1(, self.norb, self.nelec) fci_twordm = self.cisolver.make_rdm2(, self.norb, self.nelec) return fci_onerdm, fci_twordm