Source code for openqemist.quantum_solvers.initial_parameters

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"""Prepare the initial amplitudes for quantum simulation.

The electronic structure calculation employing the
second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2)
to prepare the initial T2 amplitudes is done here.


[docs]def mp2_initial_amplitudes(molecule, mean_field): """ Computes and prepares the MP2 inital amplitudes. Compute the inital amplitudes with PySCF MP2 calculation, and then reorders the elements into the QEMIST convention. MP2 only has doubles (T2) amplitudes, thus the single (T1) amplitudes are set to a small non-zero value and added. The ordering for QEMIST is single, double (diagonal), double (non-diagonal). Args: molecule (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate. mean_field (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule. Returns: list: The initial amplitudes (float64). """ from pyscf import mp import numpy as np import itertools mp2_fragment = mp.MP2(mean_field) mp2_fragment.verbose = 0 mp2_correlation_energy, mp2_t2 = mp2_fragment.kernel() scf_energy = mean_field.e_tot mp2_total_energy = scf_energy + mp2_correlation_energy # Reordering the amplitudes into QEMIST convention n_spatial_orbitals = len(mean_field.mo_energy) n_occupied = int(np.ceil(molecule.nelectron / 2)) n_virtual = n_spatial_orbitals - n_occupied singles = [] doubles_1 = [] doubles_2 = [] icount = 0 # Get singles and doubles amplitudes associated with one # spatial occupied-virtual pair for p, q in itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied)): virtual_spatial = p occupied_spatial = q # Get singles amplitude # Just get up amplitude, since down should be the same singles.append(2.0e-5) temp=-mp2_t2[q,q,p,p]/2.0 if(abs(temp)<1.0e-15): doubles_1.append(0.0) else: doubles_1.append(-mp2_t2[q,q,p,p]/2.0) # Get doubles amplitudes associated with two spatial occupied-virtual pairs for (p, q), (r, s) in itertools.combinations( itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied)), 2): # Get indices of spatial orbitals virtual_spatial_1 = p occupied_spatial_1 = q virtual_spatial_2 = r occupied_spatial_2 = s # Get amplitude doubles_2.append(-mp2_t2[occupied_spatial_1,occupied_spatial_2,virtual_spatial_1,virtual_spatial_2]) return singles + doubles_1 + doubles_2